Helpers for creating and wrapping delivery behavior, used by DeliveryMethods.


Instance Public methods

add_delivery_method(symbol, klass, default_options = {})

Adds a new delivery method through the given class using the given symbol as alias and the default options supplied.

add_delivery_method :sendmail, Mail::Sendmail,
  location:  '/usr/sbin/sendmail',
  arguments: %w[ -i ]
📝 Source code
# File actionmailer/lib/action_mailer/delivery_methods.rb, line 52
      def add_delivery_method(symbol, klass, default_options = {})
        class_attribute(:"#{symbol}_settings") unless respond_to?(:"#{symbol}_settings")
        public_send(:"#{symbol}_settings=", default_options)
        self.delivery_methods = delivery_methods.merge(symbol.to_sym => klass).freeze
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