
Instance Public methods

delete(path, **args)

Performs a DELETE request with the given parameters. See ActionDispatch::Integration::Session#process for more details.

📝 Source code
# File actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/testing/integration.rb, line 39
      def delete(path, **args)
        process(:delete, path, **args)
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follow_redirect!(headers: {}, **args)

Follow a single redirect response. If the last response was not a redirect, an exception will be raised. Otherwise, the redirect is performed on the location header. If the redirection is a 307 or 308 redirect, the same HTTP verb will be used when redirecting, otherwise a GET request will be performed. Any arguments are passed to the underlying request.

The HTTP_REFERER header will be set to the previous url.

📝 Source code
# File actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/testing/integration.rb, line 63
      def follow_redirect!(headers: {}, **args)
        raise "not a redirect! #{status} #{status_message}" unless redirect?

        method =
          if [307, 308].include?(response.status)

        if [ :HTTP_REFERER, "HTTP_REFERER" ].none? { |key| headers.key? key }
          headers["HTTP_REFERER"] = request.url

        public_send(method, response.location, headers: headers, **args)
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get(path, **args)

Performs a GET request with the given parameters. See ActionDispatch::Integration::Session#process for more details.

📝 Source code
# File actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/testing/integration.rb, line 15
      def get(path, **args)
        process(:get, path, **args)
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head(path, **args)

Performs a HEAD request with the given parameters. See ActionDispatch::Integration::Session#process for more details.

📝 Source code
# File actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/testing/integration.rb, line 45
      def head(path, **args)
        process(:head, path, **args)
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options(path, **args)

Performs an OPTIONS request with the given parameters. See ActionDispatch::Integration::Session#process for more details.

📝 Source code
# File actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/testing/integration.rb, line 51
      def options(path, **args)
        process(:options, path, **args)
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patch(path, **args)

Performs a PATCH request with the given parameters. See ActionDispatch::Integration::Session#process for more details.

📝 Source code
# File actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/testing/integration.rb, line 27
      def patch(path, **args)
        process(:patch, path, **args)
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post(path, **args)

Performs a POST request with the given parameters. See ActionDispatch::Integration::Session#process for more details.

📝 Source code
# File actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/testing/integration.rb, line 21
      def post(path, **args)
        process(:post, path, **args)
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put(path, **args)

Performs a PUT request with the given parameters. See ActionDispatch::Integration::Session#process for more details.

📝 Source code
# File actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/testing/integration.rb, line 33
      def put(path, **args)
        process(:put, path, **args)
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